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Survey on entrepreneurial dynamics and changes in contractual practices in the music industry in Quebec

The Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC) hired the Nordicity consulting service company to conduct a major study on entrepreneurial dynamics and changes in contractual practices in the music sector in Quebec. In other words, on the financing of different business models in music, as well as on the place of self-production in the Quebec musical ecosystem.

As part of this study, Nordicity has prepared this SURVEY to learn more about the artists and companies that make up the ensemble of the music sector movements in Quebec.

  • This SURVEY applies to both main and accompanying artists of all musical styles.
  • The questionnaire, which will take you between 15 and 20 minutes to complete, looks at the activities you carry out, as an artist, as a representative of a company, or both.

Goals :

  • Help SODEC and the study partners to understand better the changes (recent or not) of business models.
  • Document the situation of artists and companies in the music sector and see if public funding (SODEC, CALQ, Musicaction and others) corresponds to the needs of all stakeholders.

You can access the survey by December 3rd, 2021, by clicking on the button below:

About this survey

Please note that the questionnaire is only available in French. Also you may have already received this survey from le Regroupement des artisans de la musique (RAM), la Guilde des Musiciens et Musiciennes du Québec (GMMQ), la Société professionnelle des auteurs et des compositeurs du Québec (SPACQ) or l’Union des Artistes (UDA). If that is the case, you may only complete it once.

N.B. Due to the multitude of business models and practices that coexist, it will sometimes seem difficult to know where to situate yourself concerning the questions in this survey. You are therefore invited to use the “Others” options to let us know about your particular situation as soon as you consider it necessary.

This survey will remain open until Friday, December 3rd, 2021.


The information you provide as part of this survey is anonymous and will not be shared with SODEC and the study partners under any circumstances. The results will only be published as whole and never at the individual level. To learn more, visit the following page: Privacy Policy. 


If you have any questions, please contact the UDA or Artisti team:

If you have any questions about this study or survey, please contact Jocelyn Pogorbsky, consultant for Nordicity.